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Imagine a world where getting a man's tux or suit, shirt, vest, cuff links, tie or bow tie, and socks was affordable. Imagine a time where looking stylish didn't break the bank. Well, in honor of wedding season Tien Son is offering a combo price of $600 for all of the above accessories. To the frugal shopper, that may seem pricey. For comparison, here is a suit that I passed by the other day in Florance (I apologize for the window glare. It's not appropriate to go into a store without buying anything, so I did the best I could): 

This is a nice suit in my opinion. But, upon closer inspection: 

Remember, this is in Euro, not Dollars. The exchange rate last time I checked was 1.30 US dollars to 1 Euro. For this one would pay over $1200 for the suit (the "completd" refers to jacket and pants only), shirt and tie. Yes, this was a suit located in Florence's shopping district, but smaller towns such as Grosetto aren't any better on pricing. If you want a good deal on everything you need for your wedding, Tien Son's combo price might just be what you are looking for. After all, you owe it to your bride to look your best and have more money to spend on her. 
4:53 AM


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