January 7, 2025 06:47:21 AM
Copyright © 2013 Tien Son Custom Tailored Suits LLC. Powered by Blogger.

You may have previously heard about our August Traveling Tailor in the newspaper, on the radio, through direct email, or from our various social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and this blog. We hope that the success of the Traveling Tailor will be doubled this weekend, September 22 and 23, with our Traveling Tailor: Indianapolis. If you are in the area, stop by the Greenwood Park Mall to see us! Follow this link for a visual on where we will be.

Don't live in Indianapolis? Let us know where we should head to
 next in the comments section!
This Traveling Tailor offers the same great services as the last one. Our premium fabrics will be on display again, as well as special pricing on all accessories and suits. Also, make sure to bring in a suit you already own to experience one of our suit audits with Lan.

I can write with utmost certainty that this event will be better then the last one was. I have seen a few of the new ties we received and they are beautiful, one of a kind masterpieces. Our fabrics are still top of the line and our service is impeccable.

I briefly wanted to share my own experience from the Traveling Tailor. I bought a few of the ties for my boyfriend and he is in love with them. I was also measured for my own suit, which arrived a few days ago. I washed it (all of our suits are machine washable!) and since Lan had made sure to note that my fabric was wrinkle free, I was able to wear it to a University of Evansville reception right away. I received so many compliments and I was so proud to tell everyone Tien Son's story. "My suit looks so good on me I want to wear it everywhere." This quote from a customer portrays my sentiments exactly.

Speaking of stories, here is an example of more satisfied customers. Brad is even wearing his custom shirt.

If need more details, head on over to our official Facebook event page! Make sure to reserve your appointment time with us at appointments@TScustomsuits.com

Sep 20, 2012


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